Sunday, June 11, 2006


Hi everyone, this is another short one, but going to throw a picture up when I can.

Halle was great, the weather is wonderful, and watching Germany win their first game in the world cup was very cool.

The picture is of the Halle Marketplace. Haale has 5 towers. 4 on the church (it used to be two separate churches and they turned it into one big one) and the red tower, which the people built for themselves as opposition to the church. They also have a Roland. Not sure if Handel is on the picture or not, but his statue is on the square, too, surrounded by red and white balloons.

Hope you are doing well, and that I hear from you soon.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Liebe Bruni!

danke für deine schöne Wörter! Ihr werdet mir auch ganz viel fehlen. Ich habe solche Glück gehabt, mit euch dieses Jahr singen zu durfen. Alle sind so freundlich im Chor man kann es wirklich in einem Jahr kaum begreifen. Ohne den Chor kann ich mir das Leben hier gar nicht vorstellen. Deine Freundschaft und guten humor wird auch immer eine schöne Erinnerung bleiben.

Deine Jessi