Friday, September 23, 2005

Two weeks down

Well, I got my schedule all worked out. And I don't have to come in every day at 7:30! So great to hear. I also got a cell phone, and am at least partway back in touch with modern communication systems. If I were to have internet at home, all would be peachy.

I think I have to finish reading Catcher in the Rye this weekend, so that I can be ready to discuss it on Tuesday. (Oh yeah, I always get Monday off). Otherwise I don't really know how to prepare for next week. But I will have one week following my schedule, and then comes a two week Fall Break. The social worker here has a project planned for the first week that I will be helping with. But the second week I will have to myself. I may see about calling up friends in Berlin and visit there for a bit. I havn't seen anything since I rode the train through it to get to Storkow.

Frau Florschütz got the cold I had all last week, so the trip to Ikea was shot. And the local author reading is actually next Thursday, not this Thursday. So this week was a little quieter than I expected. But Saturday the Familie and I will be going to.. a nearby town whose name I've forgotten, to see the Harvest festival. And since I have Monday off, we're taking the trip to Ikea then. Apparently, it's in quite the shopping center. There's even a movie theater there, and if there's anything good showing we just may go see it.

The Familie is also letting me read their newspaper every day. The first section (there are only two) is international and national news, all in the equivalent of AP soundbites. But the second section is the real treat - local news. There was a story about the favorites in the local table tennis league this year. Of course about all the high school sports teams. There's usually an advice column from one of the local administrative offices, with telephone numbers. This last one was from one office that for a few hours you could call with any questions concerning how to write a will. My favorite story so far though was a short blurb. "Unknown horse found dead in field." Apparently two people were taking a stroll through the meadow (as many do here) and happend upon a horse that had been killed with a blunt object. That was the whole story.

Well I need to go into town, go to the market for some fresh veggies. I don't need much fresh fruit, because Lars Florschütz brought me apples, pears, and grapes from his garden yesterday. All very lovely, and naturally never treated with anything, so I have to be sure to cut the apples open before I eat them, since there really may be a worm in there. The apples look like the ones from story books of snow white. Bright red with paler whitish spots, round, and inside as bright white as anything. Just lovely.

Hope all is well, and I'll write more when I get back to school next week.

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